Sunday, February 24, 2008


It all started on Friday.

-8:00pm: I went to the bus stop.
-9:30 pm: Arrived @ Ivi´s. We did the regular. Chitchat for a bit and we decided where to go. Gusho was there too bitches.
-11:00pm: Finally we sat down on ITAMAE (Sushi place). We ate like fucking dogs... Damn´u ppl can EAT!! I was starving for SUSHI since that day @ the Fashion Show Mall with Helen (L). MY GOD that was Delicious! ("RA SUSHI" There’s never a dull moment at RA Sushi Bar Restaurant. The music is pumping, the mood is upbeat and the atmosphere is as stimulating as a big bite of wasabi.) Mauro also joined us @ Itamae.


-01:00am: We all went back to Ivi´s and chilled there for long hours. .....sí. WACKY $%&$· videos and more Wacky u know what.
(STOP with the time thingy shit...)
We all went to bed, got up, cleaned up, sang, ate, drunk, sang, etc... Lovely hours spent in our get together. Jumped on a bus went straight to Lash´s crib. My god that was hell of a TRIP!
Got ready and we went to the Dr.´s B-day party. Damn I ATE, DRUNK, SMOKED, and TALKED like a BEE-ATCH! unstoppable! NON-STOP! ... HeHe..
Went back to Lash´s after the party and watched this amazing movie: SLC PUNK!
We had a little gathering @ Lash´s and Dudu and Caro came over we did some chichat, singing, browsing, etc.. WE HAD A BLAST! (Helenia would SAY hehe).
We all got up had some junk-food and my parents gave me a ride HOME.-

Luv y´all BITCHES!


1 comment:

conedulcorante said...