Monday, June 30, 2008

stop me


There ain't never enough time, never enough... 

podes creer?

Jack Twist: Tell you what, we coulda had a good life together! Fuckin' real good life! Had us a place of our own. But you didn't want it, Ennis! So what we got now is Brokeback Mountain! Everything's built on that! That's all we got, boy, fuckin' all. So I hope you know that, even if you don't never know the rest! You count the damn few times we have been together in nearly twenty years and you measure the short fucking leash you keep me on - and then you ask me about Mexico and tell me you'll kill me for needing somethin' I don't hardly never get. You have no idea how bad it gets! I'm not you... I can't make it on a coupla high-altitude fucks once or twice a year! You are too much for me Ennis, you sonofawhoreson bitch! I wish I knew how to quit you.

Ennis Del Mar: [crying] Well, why don't you? Why don't you just let me be? It's because of you Jack, that I'm like this! I'm nothin'... I'm nowhere... Get the fuck off me! I can't stand being like this no more, Jack.



Lureen Newsome: Do you think I'm going too fast? Maybe I should put on the brakes? 
Jack Twist: Fast or slow, I like the direction you're going.


Amélie: I am nobody's little weasel. 


-On September 3, 1973  6:28 pm and 32 sec.          a blue fly of the Calliphorides species,           whose wings can flutter   14670  times per minute           landed in Saint-Vincent Street, Montmartre.         At the exact same second, outside a restaurant,           the wind was sweeping in under a tablecloth,           causing the glasses to dance without anybody noticing it.

a vos te suena? si si a vos...
hacete cargo y sonrei.


Dijo:  Las que estan mas buenas son las revoluciones que se rigen por levantamientos por todo el territorio, no las que se concentran en un foco de poder. 

Yo creo que Si pero No.


o sino tambien..

Las revoluciones mas interesantes no se caracterizan pr concentrarse en un foco de poder, sino por levantamiento alrededor de todo el territorio.

Eso si.

Vos la tenes clara?

Te juro que ni me di cuenta.

Sunday, June 29, 2008


Being an American is going to McDonalds and milking the cows.-

(3 years ago)


Brokeback Parents

I had a dream I saw Brokeback Mountain with my parents in the theater

They dragged me to see it

I was all "NO"

But they insisted

This means I have the repressed desire to dress like an adult baby with latex diapers



...what if u like HER?


despues les paso un par mas..

el verbo bench.


   SI,  I Bench You.-


Hey! Ho! Let's Go!

Where To?



Thursday, June 26, 2008


la gente... DISFRUTA con mucha ssssssss dissssssfruta...
el bajon del otro.
Son todos una mierda...

Wednesday, June 25, 2008

Smooch my neck!

te acordas???

cuantos dias van a pasar para que hagas comment en referencia al smooch my neck ???

Im ur Lee.-


vos no sos Amelie,   vos sos..   AMELIA! 



I was...  

                                                                   will be... 

an ACTOR.-

Long for....

Indeed,  it hurts...


Yo, escuchando desfachatados de Babasonicos.

Vos, comiendote un alfajor blanco.

el, ignorando...

ella, geograficamente inexistente



no siempre..

Lemon... grl...

No te sueltes el pelo... 

.. ( 2 puntos)

Claro!  Re que asi era como yo me sentia.. hoy!  medio trapped que desastre..


Rip the mesh off !!! 


Dude...  that's  WACK!!!  


che boludoo.. por puede ser... no parás ni un minuto..

encima te vienen a decir que hagas el powerpoint y que tenes que alinear el tp. haha.. me estan cargando?

-muchas veces me hago cargo de los issues de los demás... por demás... re equivocado!

-el espejo de la entrade de mi casa me juzga. quién carajo se cree que es..! (ojo, no le escapo.. )

me re desesperoooooooooo..... no me puedo controlar.. y es como me dijieron el otro día.. "uhh, se le solto la cadena..." Y yo tarde en entenderlo. hah...

hijo de puta te comiste todo lo que habia en la mesa.. ya no sabias que mas hacer..

para un poqueeto con el telefono... hasta llamàs la atención hablando por telefono porque no estás y vinieron todos hacia vos. que raro..!! bien tuyo.. el pelotudo de siempre!

zarpado como no entendes nada de nada.. pero nada eh....

GRACIOSO sos... martincito,,,,

(a veces no te cansas del clown? ) heavy.. muy heavy..

que sos? o que queres ser? como era??.. eh... me hago el requete boludo.. y pongo cara de no entiendo... me gusta confundirme?

*boludooooo la gente me re sorprende ultimamente....

el pueblo me quiere? ..

KARMA is a Bitch!


*thank god we brought this shoes...

*would`ve died???..



*telefono. telefono. telefono..

mucho ring..

mencanta, más q mcd´s. menos que bk.

resulta que no entendia porque un dia me llevaron a la misa.. y me re enfuerecí... a quien carajo o mejor dicho porque carajo nunca me preguntaron si yo queria levantarme un domingo a jutnar esas ramas e ir a esa misa de pascuas cuando era chico... ni me importa loco..

sí sí sí.. señores.. el nene se reveló y se re cansó. PATRAÑAS!!!!

Saludos.. al pueblo del norte.

..... siempre igual...


Sunday, June 22, 2008

DAN: This will hurt.

Hon, that`s what i thought... its not the fact that blew me.. its just that yall were waiting for my reaction..!!
I´m a smmart cookie


XXXX: I've got to see you.
XXXX: Tough.
XXXX: _You_ kissed me!
XXXX: What are you, 12?


SELF CONSCIOUS!!! mirá mirá como lo escribí !! haha

In love with my mistakes!!

ToTal. el ELLO me tira a la cama.-


I amuse you but I bore YOU.-

(now. before (my ass) )

Saturday, June 21, 2008


rude awakening...    huh?

helen said once while closing....


(too little n' too much.-)

I , Yo.

Friday, June 20, 2008


loco, no pensésss---
please te pido.. si seguis sacando conclusiones va a estallar..!!
Zarpadas las conclusiones de anoche!!..

y si ??.... .. .... ...

che... boludo... u thought u were in love huh ?
o no ? were u ?

"get on ur dancing shoes.."


Nose... complejo todo!!

Monday, June 16, 2008



E melhor ser alegre que ser triste Alegria e a melhor coisa que existe E assim como a luz no coracaoMas pra fazer um samba com beleza E preciso um bocado de tristeza Senao nao se faz um samba naoFazer samba nao e contar piadaE quem faz samba assim nao e de nada O bom samba e uma forma de oracao Porque o samba e a tristeza que balanca E a tristeza tem sempre uma esperanca De um dia nao ser mais triste nao Poe um pouco de amor numa cadencia E vai ver que ninguem no mundo vence A beleza que tem um samba nao Porque o samba nasceu la na Bahia E se hoje ele e branco na poesia Ele e negro demais no coracao

Sunday, June 15, 2008


"He valued his privacy,"

"I'm waiting for a man to come in here and fuck me sideways with a beautiful line like that."
It's a lie. It's a bunch of sad strangers photographed beautifully, and all the glittering assholes who appreciate art say it's beautiful 'cause that's what they want to see. But the people in the photos are sad, and alone, but the pictures make the world seem beautiful. So the exhibition's reassuring, which makes it a lie, and everyone loves a big fat lie.
We're in the first flush. It's paradise. All my nasty habits amuse her.
'm supposed to say things like that.
Yeah, and?
Lovingly observing, with a telescope.

Friday, June 13, 2008


I pretend that I'm glad you went away
These four walls closing more every day
And I'm dying inside
And nobody knows it but me

Like a clown I put on a show
The pain is real even if nobody knows
And I'm crying inside
And nobody knows it but ME.-


Saturday, June 7, 2008

pain ?

how can you long for something that you never owned?


i cant feel pain, if i wasnt hurt. right? 


queres que te vuelen un poco la cabeza? porque no abris los ojos de una vez? 
me estas cargando? encima despues miras Zeitgeist que la vengo posponiendo desde ya hace casi 8 meses y quedas asi como un poco.. anonadado.. 
que hago ? salgo o me quedo en casa? primero me voy a fumar un cig al balcon. estoy un poco inquieto, obviamente que hay un culpable en la inquietud. Always... 

"solo para poder parar de pensar un poqueeto, nada mas"

Uhh entonces hay gente que puede no pensar?

NO, esa gente no vive...
y si yo pudiera volver el tiempo atras y volver a vivir como antes? (censored )

Oh my GOD....
my god.. 
my god..
my god..

who which according to em its the sun..!! Hahah..

claro, como para que no me confunda. 
querer o no querer?

Siempre me tiene que pasar lo mismo? encima cuanod queres escribir te interrumpen.. carajo!
nose quien se esconde detras de esas sheets... es como todo una mentira.. o simplemente es tan claro que no lo podes ver.

What the fuck are you doing? Dumb-ass stupid lil brat. open your eyes and start living.. game is over!!  build that thing you know up.. and forget bout the EVIL.


Friday, June 6, 2008

Will you take me as I am?

Sitting in a park in paris, franceReading the news and it sure looks badThey wont give peace a chanceThat was just a dream some of us hadStill a lot of lands to seeBut I wouldnt want to stay hereIts too old and cold and settled in its ways hereOh, but californiaCalifornia Im coming homeIm going to see the folks I digIll even kiss a sunset pigCalifornia Im coming homeI met a redneck on a grecian isleWho did the goat dance very wellHe gave me back my smileBut he kept my camera to sellOh the rogue, the red red rogueHe cooked good omelettes and stewsAnd I might have stayed on with him thereBut my heart cried out for you, californiaOh california Im coming homeOh make me feel good rockn roll bandIm your biggest fanCalifornia, Im coming homeChorus:Oh it gets so lonelyWhen youre walkingAnd the streets are full of strangersAll the news of home you readJust gives you the bluesJust gives you the bluesSo I bought me a ticketI caught a plane to spainWent to a party down a red dirt roadThere were lots of pretty people thereReading rolling stone, reading vogueThey said, how long can you hang around? I said a week, maybe two,Just until my skin turns brownThen Im going home to californiaCalifornia Im coming homeOh will you take me as I amStrung out on another manCalifornia Im coming homeChorus:Oh it gets so lonelyWhen youre walkingAnd the streets are full of strangersAll the news of home you readMore about the warAnd the bloody changesOh will you take me as l am? Will you take me as l am? Will you?

Wednesday, June 4, 2008