Tuesday, September 16, 2008


Te pongo en contexto:

Hace como una semana supongo, en uade, solo, en el Delicity del octavo fumando un pucho, mucho viento y yo saque el cuaderno y la birome escribio:
he said he was afraid to be afraid
(normally, i tend to cry dried tears) 
give me a reason to back off
sometimes i feel so alive inside and out , that i feel dead
i live out of my own experience
can we be awake and asleep at the same time ?
do i have a hole in my mouth ?
for once i should try to NOT have control and let somebody control me 
do you see me as a question mark ?
the city is starring at ME.
dont pretend, just take the picture, this is it, dont save the film.
the moon is wiser than the sun
your future might de a GATE away.
no overlays and no delays please! ( i think i had enough )


P.s.> your future might be a GATE away!  esa frase un poco mas hizo que se me apague le pucho, el viento volo las sillas,  el cafe se me bolco.. TODO JUNTO haha
casi que lo auspiciaba United Airlines! 


srita. limón said...

no necesitas que yo te justifique nada
y menos esto.

a, no escribió la birome, martin.

hacete un poco cargo, ¿querés?

srita. limón said...
