Tuesday, September 16, 2008

"To a Young Artist

... You as an artist will unfold the mystery of life and share it with the world.  It may just be two people your work will communicate to.  Don't be upset.  Be upset if you are not happy with your work.  Never be upset about how many people have seen it, or how many reviews it has received.  Your work will exist and keep influencing the world.  Moreover, your work will keep changing the very configuration of our world no matter what kind of attention it gets or doesn't get.  So even when you are an unknown artist, be caring of what you make and what you give out.  Your work, no matter what, affects the world, and in return, it brings back 10 times what you've given out.  If you give out junk, you get back junk.  If you give out confusion, you will give yourself confusion.  If you give out something beautiful, you will get back 10 times more beauty in your life.  That's how it works.  Your are now like a tree in the park.  Your existence is making the city breathe well.  So relax and be yourself.  Don't try to be anything but yourself.  Rely on your instinct and inspiration.  Go with it!"  -- Yoko Ono

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