Sunday, September 21, 2008

Piece of ME (Quasi-Raw)

A little slice of heaven for y'all:

Dude how bout everybody trippin' for a stupid Argentinian night club like if it was THE SHIT! (if u no what i mean) I dont give a FUCK! and I truly couldnt careless 'bout all the comments. 

Hon, Ive been to LAX, The body English, Pure, among others which Im not about to name.. I mean, What else could I want? "crobar" ? ? ?  NO WAY!  haha..  HELL NO!

For the record, It was lame..  But I laughed my ass off with all the glittering ass bratz trying to get in. They were all so desperate.

. . " Got the picture? " . . 

I ve never paid to get in like that.. consequently not tonight, I got in for free and all that shit.. but still thats not the point...  the point here is the following: Why would you pay $50 pesos to get into a ghetto-wannabe-off the-hook-lame-ass-club !  ? ? ? (?) 

 People are so stupid, and I mean it. (Not everybody Obviously)


Why do YOU people wanna be where everyone else is at? BE CREATIVE find a new place.. plus, if you dont HAVE it aint for you bitch! 
People mislead the TRENDY concept. -

I know I'd prob end up goin' again (free out of charge and VIP access Haha! )But if I had to choose I wouldn't I saw AT LEAST 30 people I knew and thats not the point. I gotta keep it up. I wanna play unknown.. 

I dont like it but I can't help it, Its the price u gotta pay! 


So be it . - 



conedulcorante said...

mi amor te entiendo completamente.

por eso me gustan lugares puntuales con musica puntual
en donde sé que me divierto y no jugármela por un lugar pedorro y trendy

son las 10 y 10 de la matina se acaba de ir irene
y yo me acabo de dar cuanta que soy un persona grandiosa con mil historias que pueden ser contadas de mil maneras.

tendría q empezar a escribir.

te amo
y te

srita. limón said...

igual las fotos en el medio
de tanto enojo
me hicieron reir


Anonymous said...


son photos y ya!


Libélula said...

hasta las 4:30 no se podia pasar de una pista a la otra y yo clavada en el VIP del lado cachengue, que tenia prendida la calefacción. sufrí, te juro.
me parecia raro no verte adentro :(


PD: sos demasiado taaaap para un lugar wannabe yanqui.