Monday, January 7, 2008


Stephen King returns to his throne with a love letter to the fathers of horror. King dedicates Cell to filmmaker George Romero and novelist Richard Matheson, an affordable debt owed during his tenure as the master of contemporary horror. It would be difficult to imagine what a frightening landscape would look like today if it wasn't filled with the living dead (Romero) or a nuclear post-apocalyptic nightmare (Matheson), two elements which King uses to craft his latest novel set in a world populated by cell phones.

The story follows a group of "normies," a title they give themselves after witnessing a world plummet to chaos when a cell phone signal known as the Pulse converts its listeners to brain-dead lunatics. They struggle to find answers in a world that has become filled with refugees, with only hearsay and rumor to rely on: was it an act of terrorism? An amateur hacker's garage project? Or was it really the final wave of Verizon's quest to dominate its cell phone market?


Thank´s to Dr. Passarello for the gift. I adore my book.-


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