Monday, January 28, 2008

The Pledge of Allegiance

I Pledge Allegiance to the flag
of the United States of America
and to the Republic for which it stands,
one Nation under God,
indivisible, with liberty and justice for all.-

Why? Well u should know! I don’t have to excuse myself; actually I never DO, so why would I do it now? It’s my business NOT YOURS! And FYI repercussion makes me laugh my ass off!
I could write forever but I really don’t feel like it, I rather keep it in my mind.

I just had a "Deja vu"... me, in the classroom with my right hand placed on my heart.. saying the Pledge of Allegiance... thousands of time... every single morning.... the GLMS news anchorman or woman.. Saying PLEASE STAND UP FOR THE PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE... well of course first day I was like WTF?!?...
And so... we faced the flag, stood up in our HB (home base) and all of us in GLMS saying the Pledge of Allegiance Cliché MAL! Hehe
Afterwards the lunch menu some crappy-news and promos... And then... Our day begun... FIRST PERIOD was waiting.... SECOND, THIRD, FOURTH, FIFTH AND SIXTH PERIOD.
I had lunch “C” which was the most wanted. Obviously it was the one in the middle that’s why.- Plus I had P.E. before so I was always starving. Hehe
Unforgettable is the sound of the lockers. Mine too; it was so IN to smack your locker between periods. Those five minutes were outstanding, people running everywhere all the pressure so you were not late. I mean it was so unfair, we only had like five minutes and the school was humongous.
Always expecting the sixth period; which was science class; I learnt lots of things, like origami, crystals, rollercoaster and stuff. Plus after I was free to get on my bike and go home. I used to ride my bike to school back and forth for a month until I was told by the security man that I was not allow to ride my bike thru the football field and if I was going to go the other way I still needed a helmet. And so I left my bike in the garage.
Precious readers this chapter has got to an end, there is more to come, a lot more actually; but not today, not tonight. It’s time for me to go to bed.



P.s.: I would only accept your critics as long as they are well written and if they have a sense (and by sense I mean: a meaning conveyed or intended) and or a good judgment.

Love to all of ya folks.-

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