Thursday, December 20, 2007


OMG! Ok, so this morning I got up and again it was around 6am. My sleep is like completely fucked up but I couldn´t care less cuz Im on sabbatical not for a long time tho. I felt like writing
It´s like a new thing... But it don´t matter I will just share the song cuz y´all deserve it.
Why would you name it Bed? The song literally makes me wanna hug. Plus there are like thousands of memories and a sequence of images in my head. I so miss it but its time to settle back down here. It ain´t the time to write... but I´m just filling the blank u know?

I really thought it was gonna be so much easier, I know me even more.

Another thing that really freaks me out is the how people depend on people. What the fuck is wrong with us I mean why can´t we solve our own problems? Why would you ask someone? Why would you have to be adviced and not just act based upon your instinct. Somehow for a moment we will all look happy. I will come back later with more.

"When I put my fingers through your hair Wrap me up in your legs & love you till your eyes roll back I'm tryin to put you to bed, bed, bed I'mma put you to bed, bed, bed Then I'ma rock your body Turn you over Love is a war I'm your soldier Touchin you like it's our first time I'mma put you to bed, bed, bed I'ma put you to bed, bed, bed "

If you wanna it or NOT, it don´t matter!

So boreddddddddddd.......


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