Sunday, December 23, 2007


I was to express myself in Spanish, but I found some thoughts in my mind which unfortunately can’t be translated. I never would, plus according to what one of my French teachers told me, the meaning of "translation" has a negative connotation, which means to cheat, betrayal, etc. So basically I will not do it. Plus, why would I? The music flows with my thoughts, my words, my feelings too. I’m not in a position to tell my head what to do because I think there is something in the middle which makes it complicated, a thing called Heart?
It’s really kind of hard to stop thinking about it and just move on. I’ve done it before though, but there is a stage in life where you bring into concrete existence the fact that you can’t go against your heart. Sometimes the feelings are way too strong to go against them. So you try to think and avoid all these things going through your heart, head, mind, body, etc. It’s everywhere, but you can’t touch it, you can only feel it. It’s similar to be wearing goggles at all times. Goggles that make you smile, blush, warm, and lots of diverse peculiar, but pleasant and out of the ordinary sensations. Something new, something odd, something that you like to feel. In this case the goggles are some kind of apparatus that covers your eyes and is used to enhance vision, vision from your heart.
Is this love? Passion? Excitement? Obsession? You don’t know, but it’s hard to become conscious, only because your heart is dictating. You think you can handle it, we all do, but you always end up doing what your heart wants to do. I personally think that we are meant to suffer; suffering is not bad as long as enjoyment comes afterwards. Easiness bores me.
It might sound a little weird and bizarre and odd all at the same time. But ladies and gentlemen, that’s how it is, and so far I’ve heard this is LOVE. So don’t just misuse your time trying to fool your heart, use your brain to make it better. Be smart and Love; worship everything and everyone around you. Never lose faith or the power to find love. Love is in you.
And to end up with another story of my own, I would like to paraphrase something that I’ve heard and a phrase that has a lot of meaning for me:

…” The greatest thing you’ll ever learn is just to love …and be loved, in return”…

Just think about it,


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"If I had another chance tonight
I'd try to tell you that the things we had were right"

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