Friday, December 21, 2007

Give Me One Reason.-

...J'ai compris tous les mots, j'ai bien compris, merci

Mature is the word I was looking for this morning... Damn YOU r so into it. I´m Sorry for I moment I believed it was TRUE.
Once, someone told me:
"...He comes up with the most out of the line SHIT you will ever hear..."

I thougth the song thang was gonna be over by now but NO! (it ain´t over Sistaaaaas) Its just like a ritual, I get up and I hear Tracy Chapman repeating and repeating..

" Give me one reason to stay here - and I´ll turn right back around "

I was like hell NO, why would you get involved in something that you are not even sure you want it. What? I dont know exactly what but that something could help you out or not. If it does it aint doin´ anything good it´s just a lame excuse to cover things up. Like a maid we had once, she was fucking hillarious! She would literally DO NOTHING... I was a KID and I remember myself telling my Mom, like if she would do something about it. The thing is that she was so used to it, cuz my sista n´ I would always complain on the maid. DAMN!!! I wanna be a child again you know what I mean?

a: an offensive or disagreeable person —used as a generalized term of abuse.

They kind that only comes from high above it ain´t REAL! I thought I was looking for SURREAL instead I found myself wihtout it. But apparently I was wrong, I had it! The moment is OVER! Maybe that´s what I wanna believe. My Own World...

"Je te jetterai des sorts pour que tu m'aimes encore"

that I do.-



Martin said...

Hola sr. Martinusa.

Bueno, Bienvenido.

Em...........Muy interesante todo.

Chonflex said...


beso pato


ps: pasate.