Sunday, December 30, 2007

Where´s My Large Pepperoni Pizza?

I could´ve done so many things. Wait! This ain´t no regret I´m basically saying.. you know me! I mean couple of years ago if I would´ve been on the same spot I´m right now I´d have done so many evil, immature, etc...
Now I just think.. well "What´s the point?" "Why would I do it?" "what´s in it for me ? will it really make me feel good and proud of myself?"
No! It´s just NOT worth it. I´d rather spend my time doin´something else cuz it´s really NOT worth it believe me. You are reading it from the MAN who´ve done it so many times and you only feel good for a short period of time and then you kinda think about it. At some point you might think or feel bad for the other/s.
Such a great great great STEP ahead. The end of the ladder is shorter now or NOT!
Everytime I wanna sit down and vomit all this thoughts I have somethign to do... I gotta run.. Im finally meeting with "Joane" who I really miss. We connect pretty damn well!

My best.-


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